A Heaven on Earth

I wish I were a bird to see
how the heaven would be
while I was flying high
birds wondered why
some people want to die?
didn’t they try to fly!
I saw mountains, greens and sea
I couldn’t believe how tiny could be
the world with wings on thee

This is the story of a girl who wanted to die and wished to go to heaven as well. She wanted to be a bird and see heaven so that she can endure her miserable life. She wanted to have a vacant mood and a happy life. One day, she became a bird and when she saw how tiny the whole world is from above, she became thinking of life as heaven. All she had to do is to deal with things differently and from a different angle. Life can be very different when we just change the way we see it. Despite seeing the green landscapes, sea, and mountains as very huge, but when they were seen from a different angle were very tiny; analogically, our problems can be so if we changed the way we look at them. 


It is in our hands to have a happy or miserable life. We should see everything happening to us as a lesson that teaches us how to be stronger and understand life. From my own experience, after I saw how my past made me the person I am today, if time goes back, I will choose and accept my past happily. Think of it this way and apply it to the present and you will be happy forever and have a heaven-like life. We should thank Allah for our past, accept the present and hope for the future. Moreover, if we regret acting or saying something that happened in the past, we should make sure that what we are currently doing or saying won't make us regret on the future.

Small advice:
"Do whatever you want to do and get whatever you want to get but make sure you will never regret." Iman Abdul Jawad 


  1. WOW!!!!!! you love Birds, two posts so far about birds. Amazing poem, just amazing.

    1. Indeed, I do love birds. They are symbolizing liberty, ambition, pure, life, hope, harmony, peace and a link between heaven and Earth. What else more beautiful than birds to be adored!! Birds are the adorest among the romantic writers( who are into nature and the inner-self) like Percy Shelley, Taylor Coleridge, W.Wordsworth, John Keats and Edgar Allen Poe....etc. each one has made such a unique piece of writing about birds. I believe anyone with a pure soul will love birds the way they did.


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