Are you alive?

Are we alive? Do you think you are? Well, I am telling you, you are not. We are all not alive. To be alive is not about having a body that breathes, thinks and moves. To be alive is to have your name written ON something. Do you remember your grand grand father? Do you remember Plato? That's all. Now you understand it, don't you? Who will remember you after 50 years from now? Your grandsons? Memories always fade. Force the world to remember you. Leave behind something that can help humanity.

 Have your name written on a book, not inside it. Have your name on a mosque or even a small, wise and remarkable quote. I always see millions of people sharing others' quotes but never share a quote that has their own name. I am now writing this because I was influenced by a quote that I came across randomly on Instagram that carries Plato's name. I wondered how these people are still living among us. You disappear but what you leave behind will forever remain. If you are living to achieve that, Congratulations! One day you will be truly alive.

Small advice:
"Walk to do, do not talk to show." Iman Abdul Jawad


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