I am not lonely, I am alone

 I thought I am lonely and not alone but I discovered the opposite. I realized recently that I am not lonely but alone. Now, I observe someone who is the closest to me but never was seen. We think that everything that is so close to us is the closest but sometimes closeness is not a measure for closeness. There are things or people that are never seen close, but are the closest.   The person I observed knows everything about me and super kind to me as a mother. Reproaches me when I am mistaken like a father. Keeps my secrets and never gets me wrong like a sister. Always understands me, always feels me and always saves and helps me, even without me asking for help. Suffers if I am in pain and worries about me the most. The ONLY one who gives me birthday gifts and cakes and appreciates my hard work the most. Who always advises me and sometimes hurts me but always stays with me and heals me. Never misunderstands me and knows everything in my mind and heart without me uttering it. This person I discovered lately and decided to never let go, and live happily ever since. This person is a secret lover, a stalker and a follower; with me, all the time, but never is seen. This person is me.
 I am everything to me and me is everything to myself. I am my mother, my father, my sister and myself. I am my kind mother who knows me more than anyone in the world. I am my father who reproaches and punishes me when I am mistaken. I am my sister that knows all my secrets and always understands and listens to me. I am myself who give me my birthday gifts and cakes and prizes me when I succeed. I am me who is proud of myself the most when I succeed. I am me whom I value the most and never misunderstand. I am me whom I feel the most without having to say a word. I am me who sees and feels both my reality and pain. I love you, myself. Forever be everything to me. I will amaze myself with my cleverness and success. I won't only work hard and succeed to make my seen family temporarily happy and proud but to make my observed one forever proud and happy. I am alone with myself, but never feel lonely. I have a wonderful family residing inside me. Me loves me and forever will be with me.  

 I am proud of myself and will forever make myself proud of me. I am never lonely, I am just alone.


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